803 Anita St.
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Invoice Number | INV-23911 |
PO # | 3525776 |
Invoice Date | April 7, 2021 |
Due Date | May 7, 2021 |
Total Due | $600.00 |
Mike A18 4/7/2021
Hours | Equipment | Rate | Sub Total |
2 | Compact fork# 143631 P/U 102 N Pacific st, Oceanside |
$120.00 | $240.00 |
1.5 | Track skid# 173741 P/U 102 N Pacific st, Oceanside |
$120.00 | $180.00 |
1.5 | Skid steer# 148194 w smooth bucket and auger attachment with 3 bits P/U 102 N Pacific st, Oceanside |
$120.00 | $180.00 |
Sub Total | $600.00 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Total Due | $600.00 |