


803 Anita St.
Chula Vista, CA 91911

Invoice Number INV-23887
Invoice Date April 7, 2021
Due Date May 7, 2021
Total Due $1,680.00

Joe S. A25 04/07/21

Hours Equipment RateSub Total
14 4k gallon water truck #10251083, 37' electric Scissor lift

Picked up water truck @ Sunbelt Imperial
Delivered 9685 Via Excelencia San Diego
Picked up Scissor lift @ Big Lots D.C. 18880 Navajo Rd. Apple Valley Ca.
Waited for location of equipment (found inside) had to wait for supervisor to bring equipment after locating it, had damaged pieces that had to be secured
Delivered, Sunbelt Imperial
Po# 0045372

Sub Total $1,680.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,680.00